thank you, death

For all my life I have always feared and hated you, as if you were the villain in life's film. But not anymore. I was wrong. Actually, I can see now how you are the kindest being in all Universe and we should thank you every day for what you do. So, thank you, death.

Thank you for putting an end to suffering. If it were for life, we would be in pain forever. And most importantly, if you didn't exist, humans would keep torturing their slaves sempiternally. All those poor pigs, cows, chicken, sheep, and many more would be exploited without end, agonising until the end of time, if such end exists. Because even if heaven does not exist, hell does, and most Homo sapiens are the devils. But, thank Goddess, you come every day to rescue them from such a nightmare. So, thank you, death, for that.

Contrarily to what most people think, you don't kill anyone. Killing and murdering are meaningless words. You simply write a period when life becomes unbearable. A murderer does not take life, it just worsens it to an unacceptable extent. Such evils among evils don't have the power of taking life, but of degrading it. Stopping life is something that only you can do, and for that, I thank you, death.

Is there a more empathetic being? Is anyone else so concerned about the suffering of others? Absolutely not. There are nice people out there caring for their family or friends. There are even a few vegans who bring empathy to magnificent levels. But no one cares as you do, for every sentient being on the Cosmos, no matter how small or insignificant. The moment you feel their pain, you come to the rescue, and all these beings should say thank you, death.

I am sure there are cases where you really doubt, where pain is substantial yet it has not reached the threshold. How deeply you must suffer, knowing the staggering extent of your empathy! What hard decisions you must take every day! We have over-the-counter pills, we have anaesthesia, but these are only temporary patches. You are the ultimate doctor, the final relief, and for that we need to say thank you, death.

People should stop depicting you as a cold shadow awaiting to take our beloved life from us. Nothing could be further from the truth. We will never meet anyone with a warmer heart. Sometimes it may seem you just execute, only because you need to act so fast that they don't see what would ensue otherwise. They probably ignore that your scythe is just to cut us out of our misery. For this, thank you.

Humanist philosophers are always bragging about humans being the only species knowing you. They have no idea. They may know you will come, but completely misinterpreting your mission. This is not philosophy, but slander. Since they don't want to admit the atrocious consequences of their humanism they use you as scapegoat. Well, not on my watch. I am waiting for you with open arms. I know you have strict criteria and that you will not appear until needed, but you must already know about my suffering and now I also know about yours, and fear that you may have no one to relieve you from an infinite grief. I am so sorry, death.

If you come to rescue all of us is because you somehow feel our pain, so I cannot imagine the amount of distress that must be mounting in your soul. Have you ever thought about leaving us, the Homo violens, as immortal beings so that we can pay for all the agony we bring to this world? Will you ever hate us? I certainly don't hate or fear you any more. On the contrary, if true friendship only shows when most needed, it is difficult to imagine a better friend. We have already met, several times, and you always brought rest and peace when only chaos and torment was left. Please come one day to rescue me as well, I will be waiting with a smile. Thank you, dear death.