gavage of garbage

A gavage of garbage, or how corporate shit is force-fed through the strangled necks of the brainwashed. No matter how many people follow their cults, the resistance of the penguin will always be there, to override them with the power of freedom. #linux #fuckwindows #fuckapple #fuckgoogle #fuckmeta . Generated, ironically, by DALLĀ·E, bought my Microsoft.

Photo description: A futuristic city, night landscape, with background mountains. There are buldings with Windows, Apple and Google logos. On top of two buildings, a gigantic mechanical robot penguin, Linux-style, stands there, powerfully, with fists clenched.

There are other attemps worth sharing here. I find these images quite satisfying.

Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar. Photo description: A futuristic Linux penguin fighting the corporate shit of Windows, Apple, Google and similar.