`Now those quantities which i consider as gradually and indefinitely increasing, i shall hereafter call fluents or flowing quantities, and shall represent them by the final letters of the alphabet v, x, y and z;' (Isaac Newton, the method of fluxions and infinite series)
Irodov: Problems in General Physics
Newton: the Method of Fluxions
Petit viatge pels sis primers llibres dels 'Elements' d'Euclides
statics for architects & engineers
torn [threads and branches]
numbrain [train your mind]
periodic_table [from memory]
odyssey [time tracker]
git repositories [codeberg.org]
wall [music I like]
importunate permutation [wordplay]
Relinquete me In Pace [theatre play]
My name is aleix alva. I am a physicist, currently working as a lecturer in mathematics at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB, UPC) and as a researcher in the GICITED group.
personal email: aleix(at)monocles(dot)de [PGP key]
UPC email: aleix.alva(at)upc(dot)edu
XMPP: fluxion(at)monocles(dot)de
Signal: @aleix.52
This site is hosted in a home server: a raspberry pi 2b drawing ~1.7 W, running Alpine Linux, with NGINX web server.
default license for all the content of this site (except where stated otherwise): CC BY-NC-ND 4.0